Thursday 7 November 2013


I saw an angel with a black mane
With a supple, sumptuous succulent face
Her smiles beam text messages of love and comfort
Her eyes says, “Come, find respite in my arms.”
Her name evokes the sensualities of heavenly flowers: Shantay

In her strides is happiness
Passed on to every soul that sights her
Each step of hers causes a gasp and a wow from the men -folks
For her aura is seven times more than that of the aurora

If you were not an angel Shantay,
I’d make you my angel.
I’d invite you into my dreams every night
For then I will sleep on, not wake up to a world without you.

If you were a stream Shantay,
You’d be my only source for water.
I’d visit your bank everyday till no day is left
I’d lay
I’d roll
I’d bathe and revel in your warmth and essence.

If you were water,
I’d sip you till I go drunk on you
For you are never going to do me any harm
But refresh my soul and cause a fountain to burst forth.

If you were winter,
I’d have you each day and all year round
So I could feel your chill till no end.
You will make me cold
You will make me warm.

If I were a sensible man,
I’d drape you around my heart
Marry you and live in bliss forever.

But what am I?
I am a man stung by your beauty
I am a man and I don’t want to live a day without being stung further
Perched around your laughter, grace and beauty, Please sting me some more!

Your beauty shames the aurora
Because it is full of lights of life
Your smile makes the sun cower in fright, going dim by the minute
Because it illuminates even the most sorrowful of hearts.
Your soft silky soothing face puts angels to sleep
Your heart makes your God, Jehovah glad.

Shantay, please take me home
Afford me with a ride on your wings
With a spot the size of pinhead in your heart,
And I’d be home
Yes, I’d be home forever.

